Home ed, not home school

For those who are new to home education, it might be of interest to know that permanent home edders tend not to use the term home schooling. Most of us have no intention of trying to recreate school in our own homes so we call it home education because that covers a much wider range of activities and learning styles. Even that term isn't particularly accurate as most of our learning is actually done away from the home, in our communities, classes and groups. 

There's been some debate in established home ed circles about whether we would class schoolchildren currently being taught at home as a result of the coronavirus lockdown as really being home educated. People have suggested it should be called isolation education, just to differentiate it from what home education looks like during normal times. 

What we are really concerned about is that people will feel like they've given home education a go and that, if it doesn't work for them, it isn't a valid option for others. We were already facing a lot of extra regulation from the government which most of us think is fairly unnecessary and we'd like our schoolie friends to be our allies rather than adversaries in our fight against new home ed laws.


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